Things to Do When You’ve Lost Your Job
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Lacasa Del Riccio  

9 Things to Do When You’ve Lost Your Job

Losing your job is stressful. It absolutely sucks, the reason does not even matter the lack of a job does. With how the world is right now it can only intensify stress that you are probably experiencing from a sudden job loss. We are living in strange times indeed, which is why I am going to tell you about 11 things you should do when you have lost your job.

Apply for Unemployment

The first thing you need to do right away is apply for unemployment. You may be able to do it through the internet or via a phone call, depending on where you live. Unemployment benefits change from state to state so make sure that you get the right details for your area. Do not delay the process of applying. Many states have strict rules surrounding when you can apply for unemployment benefits and others take a long time to process your paperwork.


After you have applied for unemployment, take a moment to breathe. There is nothing wrong with taking time for yourself so you can process what has happened. Becoming unemployed messes with all of us so do what makes you happy while you have the free time. Losing your job can be a shock to your system so acknowledge how you are feeling so you can move forward. A day to get yourself in the right mindset should help.

Find Health Insurance

Losing a job is considered a qualifying event, so if your partner with insurance benefits, you should be able to attach on to their policy. If you do not have a partner that can get you on their health insurance there are other options. Consider COBRA coverage if you worked for a private company with 20 or more employees. Most are offered it but be aware of the extra cost that could be develop because of it.

Cut back on your spending

Losing a job can be a disheartening experience, but amidst the uncertainty, there are practical steps you can take to regain control of your financial situation. One crucial aspect is to assess and cut costs wherever possible. Consider reevaluating your monthly expenditures, prioritizing essentials, and identifying areas where you can make significant savings. A powerful yet often overlooked option is to reassess your living situation. If you own a property, find options to sell a house as-is, as it can be a viable solution to quickly liquidate assets and alleviate financial strain. This approach not only provides an immediate source of funds but also allows you to streamline your lifestyle and focus on rebuilding your career.

Update your Resume and Start your job search

Updating your Resume should be a focus after you have sorted out your budget. You could either take the time to perfect your resume yourself or employ the services of ARC Resumes or another resume writing company so you’re able to focus on other aspects of your job search. Using popular job posting websites like and LinkedIn can be a great way to find new positions that will suit your skillsets. LinkedIn can be a useful tool to get in touch with old contacts that might be able to provide you with future opportunities. When applying for positions, make sure that you tailor your CV to the job description otherwise your skills will fall on deaf ears.

Start Hustling

Getting a job is not the only way to make an income in the modern world. There are so many skills we all have that we can leverage to help you make some money on the side. A popular approach people are taking now is making non-medical masks. There is a huge demand for it due to current world events so if you are crafty there are ways to bring money in. It will also be important to research the jobs you are applying for to see if they require any pre employment checks and tests like a Snellen vision test. If you are vision impaired in any way then you will probably not be selected. This is just an example. It’s not just physical checks, it’s background and vetting too – you need to be prepared for what you are applying for.

Prioritise Bills

No one knows how long a lack of stable income will last for. For many people it can take years to find a new one. But do not let that deter you, I hope you find a job quickly that helps you lead the life you want too. But for now, you will need to prioritise your bills to stretch your money further. Food and somewhere to live should be at the top of that list. Things that do not directly contribute to your survival are less important. Think Netflix and phone contracts etc. Unsecured debt even less important than that.

Reach out for Support

We are all struggling in this difficult time, it does not mean you need to struggle alone. Allow yourself to be helped by those that can help you. Do not let your employment situation define your value and look for government financial aid in these difficult times. If you rent and cannot afford to pay, speak to your landlord about how you could renegotiate your payment plan so you can get through these challenging times with a roof over your head. You can also look up tools that may be able to help you, you might qualify for a life settlement for example. This enables you to sell your life insurance policy for a lump sum of cash to help you through.

Use your Flexible Spending Money

Suppose you signed up to contribute $1000 to your flexible spending plan this year, but you lost your job on January 31st. You would have still contributed $83.33 to your plan and you can still be reimbursed for the full $1000 if you had those expenses before leaving your job. So, if you have any eligible expenses on that flexible spending account, now is the time to use it.

Ultimately, losing your job is incredibly stressful but you will get back on your feet and have a job again soon. You just need to focus on consistently making good applications for jobs you have relevant skills for and to put in the thought and work. You will have a job again in no time.

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